
TimberTech Decking Reviews

TimberTech Decking is manufactured by Timbertech Limited in Wilmington, OH. Their XLM line is composed of PVC is scratch, stain and mildew resistant. XLM decking is available in Mountain Cedar, River Rock, Sand Ridge, Desert Bronze and Rustic Bark and sells for about $3.62 per linear foot. The Earthwood Evolutions line is a capped composite using Hydrolock technology and vertigrain surface. Earthwood Evolutions is available in Rosewood, Teak and Walnut and retails for approximately $3.62 per linear foot. Twin Finish composite decking is reversible and is available in Cedar, Grey and Redwood colors and sells for roughly $2.71 per linear foot. The Reliaboard composite line is the least expensive option and is available in cedar and grey. TimberTech can be installed with TechCONCEALoc hidden fasteners and comes with a 25 year warranty. These products have been tested and have evaluation service reports (ESR-1400, CCRR-0128, CCRR-0139). TimberTech also manufactures Radiance Rail, Evolution Rail and Ornamental Rail guard rail systems. They also offer low voltage lights, trim, gates and other deck accessories. 

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